- These healing stones and crystals absorbs, stores, releases and naturopathic energies. Natural quartz enhances psychic abilities as it aids in concentration and unlocks frozen memory.Quartz also stimulates the immune system and brings balance to the body.Enjoy the positive benefits of drinking powerful crystal elixir water.
- Clear quartz. This crystal is a “master healer” used to improve immunity, memory, and focus.
- Crystal gemstones actually have the unique ability to store energy. They have enough vibration at the nanometer level. The gemstones transfer energy to the water around the vial to improve water quality.Beyond the wellness benefits for yourself, the water bottles have environmental benefits
- NATURAL HEALING | 100% Natural Clear Quartz for positively charged energy anytime – at home, work, gym or when traveling!
- PURE CRYSTAL | Clear Quartz is considered the master healing crystal. It amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it and when placed with other crystals or gemstones it also increases their energy and metaphysical properties. Each stone is unique in color and form – just like us!
- It can help with emotional stability, and it’s popular in meditation and restorative work. It’s also often used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire. It is a protective stone and can be used to amplify psychic abilities.
History : Quartz’s piezoelectric properties were discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880. The quartz oscillator or resonator was first developed by Walter Guyton Cady in 1921 . George Washington Pierce designed and patented quartz crystal oscillators in 1923